Indigenous Biotech Based Organic Solution For Aquaculture Problems, From a Premier Biotech Lab Developed for Use in Culture Farms -Improves the Health and Growth of shrimp Pond Environment.
Problems in aqua farms are due to water quality deterioration resulting from accumulation of waste such as dead organic matter, unused feed, fecal material of aquatic animals etc. As a consequence, toxic metabolites such as ammonia, nitrites and hydrogen sulphide accumulate and causes stress to the animals. They become susceptible to common diseases such as Vibriosis, shell fouling, gill infections and viral diseases.
Probitek-B, acts as a Probiotic and Bioremediator and controls the foulers like bacteria, fungus and protozoan parasites such as Zoothamniun, Epistylis, Vorticella etc.,
Probitek-B : Bacterial count is about a trillion (1,00,00,00,000) and consists of autotrophic and heterotrophic bacteria.,
Probitek-B : Controls Gill Infections, Black soil & Pathogens
Application :
* Apply PROBITEK-B once a week. If pond deterioration is more, apply at frequent intervals of 2-3 times a week for best results @ 5L/ Ha., or as advised aquaculture consultant
* Mix PROBITEK-B with appropriate quantity of sand and broadcast over the pond such that the product is spread all over.